Thursday, April 15, 2010

Asking God "Why"

I spend a lot of time--too much, for sure--pondering the mysteries of God. It just fascinates the heck out of me how all of this, i.e. all of creation, came into being. How was the universe created? How could everything, as big as billions of galaxies, possibly come from a single point in space and time? How big is it, really? How far off is science in understanding even the basics of Your works? Is there any life of any form out there, or are we THAT unique? Beyond all of these mechanical questions, however, my greatest question has always been "why?" Why do we even exist at all? I have been asking this of God for many years, always expecting, or even demanding an answer, as selfish as I know that sounds. But God finally answered, but with a strong request.

First, the request...lighten up! I hear this quite a bit from God, but God, unfortunately, has to continually remind me. I'm getting there, slowly but surely.

But when I heard the answer to why, my scientific brain took issue, hence the request to lighten up. The answer: there doesn't need to be an answer. God is love, and God loves us beyond any fathomable ability we have to understand that kind of love. It is beyond the maximum capacity of logic or reason or quantifiable definition. Love needs no reason. The answer to "why"...because God loves us.

So relax, lighten up, and just appreciate as fully as you can the beautiful gifts of life, the universe, and everything with which you were blessed. Sure, continue to puzzle out the mechanics for mental exercise, but don't forget that the actual answer doesn't lie with equations or theorems; the answer lies with the quacks of a line of ducklings swimming behind their mother on a misty pond, it lies with the joyful giggle of a child being tickled by his adoring parent, it lies in the perfection of a Spring lily, it lies in feeling the sweet ocean breeze while listening to the entrancing rhythm of the surf with your eyes closed. It lies with heroic acts of bravery and in random acts of kindness and in heart-felt smiles. And it lies with remembering that God is the source of it all.

Thanks be to God.

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