Friday, March 5, 2010

Confucius and More Reflections of Self

I've been having to dig excruciatingly deep, as of late, in examining my soul. I spend a lot time ruing what is lacking in myself, and still expect perfection, even though I am fully aware I can never attain it (being human and all), hence the emotional distress and self-flagellation. If it weren't for my own torment, I'd have none at all, but I digress...I came across a quote from Confucius the other day, which was:

I want you to be everything that's you, deep at the center of your being.

It didn't sound like the vague inspirational quotes I am used to from Confucius, so I went and did some research, and verified that it was indeed a quote from him. But God has a great tendency with me to highlight, as if with a bright yellow highlighter, the things I need to pay attention to. In researching the above quote, I came across two others that I knew God wanted me to reflect on as well:

They must change who would be constant in happiness and wisdom.


Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in.

While these three quotes collectively don't seem to add up together, they actually meld perfectly to give me the exact counsel I have been needing. While I have come a tremendous ways towards being a much better person over the last year, God is definitely pointing me in the path of further growth, and that it is crucial for me to fully examine my heart and take steps in being everything I truly am, in my good and wonderful God-given nature. This is going to require change, actual effort, risk, and being fully honest with myself in all ways. God loves me, of this I am certain; I just have to learn to earnestly love myself. I still plan on changing the world for the better, but that change must first begin internally. God most definitely has a plan, I just have to open fully to it. And I will get there. God be with you, too, on your path.

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