Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Joy of True Friendship

Today is my bff's 40th burfday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BFF!!! Considering he is one of the two people who read this blog, I'm going to personalize this entry a bit by reflecting on what it has meant to have him in my life for the last 25 years.

My bff is the greatest guy I know. He is smart, kind, lives by his heart, and has love and compassion that dwarfs mine considerably. He has been a blessing a million times over and has come to my rescue in similar numbers. He has helped me move every time I have relocated around the state, which is MANY, and has been good-natured every time, even when I have dropped stuff on his feet. He is generous to a fault and incredibly patient with me as I have been a roller coaster of drama and issues over the years. Why he has stuck by me over these decades puzzles me, but it's best not to look a gift horse in the mouth. I just count my blessings from God, and he's most definitely among my most favorite.

And while 40 is generally considered a milestone of midlife, I would like to share some words from Albert Einstein with my dear, dear friend that reflect the true sentiment of aging:

People like you and I, though mortal of course like everyone else, do not grow old no matter how long we live...[We] never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born.

To have a friendship so enduring is one of the greatest joys in the life. I wish my bff at least 100 more birthdays, as you never know what God has in store. I love you. Buon compleanno, mio fratello! (Gotta start practicing your Italian :) )

1 comment:

  1. You, my friend, are loved dearly by all who know you. And, you have more than two readers...just not everyone is a commenter. ;)


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