Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Shades of Gray and Other Life Lessons

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I've been doing some serious examination of conscience. With God's insight, I have come to understand that one of the key goals of this life is to learn the lessons that God has designed for each of us individually.

While I have many, many things yet to learn, I am getting better at identifying the key lessons. I am thick headed, so I don't learn them quickly, but at least I can point them out in a line up.

For example, I know God has been trying to teach me about appreciating and living in the gray. I have had a tendency for as long as I've been born to view everything in black and white. Either something is all or it's none; either it's perfect or it's worthless; either it's beautiful or it's ugly, etc. What God has pointed out to me is that very little ever reaches either extreme. Life is nearly fully contained in the middle, in the gray. If you can't appreciate and embrace the gray, then you miss out on a ton of what it means to live. And I have.

But life ain't over 'til it's over, so as long as I'm around, I can learn these things, even if it's one tiny baby step at a time. (Too much change all at once, not unlike fire to Frankenstein, frightens and confuses me).

I have other personal lessons, too, which God wants me to grasp. Like about judging people and about being vulnerable, among a handful of others. God has our life lessons individually tailored for optimal growth and enlightenment. All we have to do is open our hearts and minds to what God is trying to teach us. Most certainly easier said than done in this busy, chaotic world, but a little quiet reflection goes a long ways. Best of luck to us all in graduating through life with honors.

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