Monday, January 11, 2010

The Dawn of a New Decade, a New Life

My dear friends, I'm sorry to have been away for so long, without even a note as to why, but I've been dealing with health issues. I went in for surgery three weeks ago to have a tumor removed. The tests on it are still not back yet, but I trust in God's providence that everything will turn out like it should. I will be fine, that's for sure. My family's health problems still continue, so all of my prayers are with them now, especially my little sister.

This last year saw a lot of changes, a lot of problems, and tons of lessons. I grew so much during this last year, mainly through suffering and dealing with difficult people. But that is all in the past. Life begins anew, and there is no time like the present to get dreams converted into reality.

I was reading my favorite cultural geographer/philosopher's (Yi-Fu Tuan's) recent Dear Colleague letter, and it spoke to me deeply. Of course, I'm known for poaching the wisdom of greater minds, so I thought I would share the thoughts most apropos:

1.) Thomas Hobbes observed, “Hell is truth seen too late."

Many are guilty, as I know I am, of waiting and waiting for things to happen. Waiting to explore, waiting to learn, waiting to grow in truth and knowledge. Death is an inevitability, and life is bitterly too short, so make haste to know. The answers are there, just open your mind to God and avail yourself of all learning. There is no future, it only becomes the now. And this now is better than next year's now. There is no time to waste. Literally.

2.)“In art, as in morality, great things go by the board because at the crucial moment we blink our eyes. When is the crucial moment? Greatness is to recognize it and be able to hold it and extend it. But for most of us the space between ‘dreaming on things to come’ and ‘it is too late, it is all over’ is too tiny to enter. And so we let each thing go, thinking vaguely that it will always be given to us to try again. Thus works of art, and thus whole lives of men, are spoilt by blinking and moving quickly on” (Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince).

The key is to live life fully, be dynamic, active, and spread as much goodness and love as you can to as many people as you can. Do not live life pooling regrets until you drown in them. Rush at opportunity, and you will live without disappointments.

Time is rushing away from us...this is the year of Doing, so go out there and make this world a better place for all. I know I will. God be with you all.

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