Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Salvation Lies in Humility

As y'all know full well, I'm pretty much a perpetual roller coaster of emotion; there are times I'm so full of joy and happiness, I actually fear my heart will burst, and then there are times I'm so down and full of despair, I fear the candle of hope has been permanently snuffed. But that's the nature of our humanity, in large measure, I suppose.

I was praying earlier today, feeling remorseful and quite low for being such a repetitive failure at maintaining my best effort of staying on the good and righteous path, when God stepped in. God tends to save me from the downward spirals at the exact moment I need salvation. Funny, how that works, but I digress...God let me know it is in the fact that I truly feel unworthy of God's infinite love and mercy which makes me worthy. Huh? (Yeah, I was confused, too.) God shared with me that God adores those who are humble, yet try and strive and yearn to do right and good things and stumble down the path towards unity with God. Because it is only through humility that one can accept that there is always room for improvement. It is only through humility that one can appreciate one's position in relation to God. It is only through humility that one can truly have faith.

I know there are many people in all walks of faith who have completely convinced themselves that God is 100% behind them. Although, that kind of arrogance only leads to stunted personal growth and/or harm to others, as displayed by religious extremists.

I know I have been like that. But as I've become older and wiser, I have come to realize that it was self-righteousness, not God-centered righteousness. I have come to realize that my salvation--as well as the salvation of all humanity--is entirely up to God. God willing, we will all be welcomed into union with God after we pass from this world. God willing indeed.

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