Friday, December 4, 2009

The Foggy Forest of Emotion

Recent events have got me to thinking about how emotions gum up rational thought and moral reasoning. When a person puts all of his or her time and energy into emotionally reacting to everything--essentially using one's emotions as a moral compass--then the odds of good and rational results can only be left to chance.

And it is very much like a fog; when one is caught up in emotion (and I know from recent experience), one truly cannot objectively see what's before them. It takes a tremendous amount of focus to overcome this emotional fog, but it's a lot like not being able to see the forest whilst in the middle of it.

I'm not quite out of that forest yet, as I have some intense personal distractions that, God-willing, will be resolved soon. But at least, with self-awareness of my emotional state, I can approach what's coming as objectively and optimistically as possible. At least that is my goal. May God help us all maintain clarity.

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