Thursday, December 17, 2009

Is There a Balance of Good and Evil?

Yesterday, I blogged about the generosity of God and how extremely grateful I am for it. And good news keeps rolling in, which is an embarrassment of heavenly riches, but I'm okay with hoarding God's bounty.

I didn't used to be. I used to believe that there was only a certain amount of good and positive things that could happen, almost like I thought God maintained a karma-like balance. I used to try to bargain with God, willing to sacrifice and suffer for the good of others who needed God's good will more. In reflecting, however, I realize what a limited and truly insulting view that was to take towards God. That kind of karmic thinking makes the assumption that God only has so much goodness to go around. And God, being omnipotent, has zero limitations, including those regarding love, generosity, and mercy.

So the answer: no. Good and evil are not even remotely balanced. And the main reason is that goodness is divine and evil is human-made. And finally understanding this truth is a beautiful blessing in and of itself. God is great. Truly.

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