Friday, August 21, 2009

Clarity on Charity

It occurred to me after reading yesterday's post that I may have under-emphasized the importance of charity. Charity is crucial in building our characters, our relationships, our society, as well as our relationship with God. Charity isn't just about give money to people, it so much more broad and deeper than that. Charity is simply about doing for others to their benefit without being forced to. Charity can be as simple as a friendly smile to a passing stranger, or as self-sacrificing as giving a kidney to your mom. Charity is infinitely important, yet can be incredibly simple. Just take the time, think of others and what they need or might appreciate and give it to them. Try to practice this as often as possible every day.

The problem with charity is that it is often exploited by those without any sense of morality. That is why it is important to try to discern actual need, because if you simply become an ATM to those who want your money, you do not help them learn, become self-sufficient, or grow closer to God; you are simply teaching them that you are a source for free money. You teach a man to fish...that is the real key to charity: make it sustainable and character-enriching.

Although it is far different in most other parts of the world, in America, there is no actual starvation. There are government programs and food banks and religious and secular private organizations, etc. to help those in need. There are many ways to be provided food if you cannot afford it yourself. Even as a last resort, you could go into a grocery store and just eat something off the shelf if you were actually starving. Physical starvation is not a problem in America, its the moral starvation that is a much more alarming concern. But God willing, we will change that. It all starts with simple acts of charity.

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