Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Girl Who Needed Change

Very much lately, God has been showering me with topic after topic to discuss and share with you...but the lesson from yesterday is that I learn just as much from what I'm meant to share. Case in point: the girl who needed change.

I was on my way home with a stomach two hours past hungry when I needed to drop by the library to drop off some materials. I rushed to the drop box, dropped my items, and was already at a brisk gait when this robust 17-year-old-ish girl asked if I had any change. I am totally and completely about charity (when actually needed), but from first and second hand experience, I know most of the people bumming change here in America are not in dire need, and some of them actually have more money than I do. "Could you spare some change?" she asked. "Sorry," is what I said, which is what I usually say because it expresses "no" without having to lie or belittle. But then she asked me, "You don't have any change at all?" Without thinking and nearly flying by her, I said, "nope, sorry." I lied. I had change. I almost always have change in my pocket. I felt horrible. I'm striving to be the best person I can be, yet I can lie that easily? Hypocrite, I thought to myself.

Thank God for God, is all I have to say. Yet again, God had to step in, calm my internal self-flagellation, and bring order to my chaos. God didn't give me excuses, nor did God want any. God simply reminded me that it was in the past, that I'm striving to be a truly good person, and then asked me what I will do differently next time something like that arises. After thinking it over and remembering my failed interactions with beggars in the past (such as giving money to obvious substance abusers, giving directions to the local food bank and homeless shelter which were promptly ignored as they moved onto the next mark, and ignoring them completely), I realized I am going to either buy them food directly (although this has been declined more often than it has been accepted, in my experiences) or simply tell them the blunt truth: "I cannot give you money because I have no real way to know you are in actual need or won't use it for drugs or alcohol. Sorry." Honesty? Didn't think of that one at the time, lol. But next time...

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