Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Need for Solitude

I can't say that I've always been a people person. But in building a much stronger relationship with God lately, I've come to accept that I am. Because what was keeping me a recluse and so isolated from people was my selfishness: I always wanted things to go my way; I didn't want to have to wait for people; I didn't want to have to explain myself; I didn't want to have to listen to what I considered stupid, inane, or annoying talk. I was not a people person because I was a "me" person. I was all about me.

In growing up--finally!--I have come to realize that to embrace God is to embrace all of God's children. To deal with others does mean to exhibit patience, to listen to others when they need to share, vent or opine, and to take the time to address and fulfill the needs or choices of others. To have a close relationship with God requires that you are a people person.

But life happens. You get tired. You get hungry. You get hot. You get out of sorts. You get a little (or a lot) grumpy. And that's okay. The important thing to remember is to keep your focus on God and realize those are all temporary feelings or conditions and to not give up or lose faith. It doesn't make you a bad person; going through these kinds of bad or uncomfortable feelings simply makes you human. Accept it. Accept that you're not going to feel like skipping through a flowery meadow every day. But just keep in mind how nice the meadow is and try to get back there as often as possible.

On a personal note, I dealt with this very thing today. I woke up after not much more than three hours of sleep and just felt overwhelmed with all of the stuff I needed to get done and started to feel a shade hopeless. And I had to hit the ground running when I woke up, with grocery shopping with a friend and other have-to-dos filling out my day. And being in a grumpy state, I found fault (in my mind) with every single word my friend said. It was only when I had a chance to drive somewhere by myself did I actually stop myself and connect back with God. When I asked God why everything my friend said was making me angry, God turned it around on me. I realized at that point that it wasn't her, the problem was entirely about my attitude and foul mood. After I had that time to reflect and understand this, I self-talked myself into a positive place by reminding myself that the things making me grumpy will most definitely pass and just because I was being foul didn't mean I had the right to inflict negativity on others. A few affirmations about not being that way and being happy and full of joy put my back in a good place. The rest of the day went beautifully, thanks to God. Had I not had that time to reflect and pray, the rest of my day would have been as horrible as the first part.

The lesson for you to take away from my experience is to ALWAYS take a little time to be alone to reflect on what you are doing and connect back with God. It is immensely helpful in getting yourself back on track. God will give you all of the patience, comfort, and joy you need. You just have to stop to ask for God's help. God's joy be with you.


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