Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn

Today's personal lesson was a rough one: I caught my nephew in a lie and in continuing bad and unacceptable behaviors. The rough part is that, even though I try to maintain logic and reason, along with compassion and empathy in dealing with others, I lost all of these things when I confronted him. When he lied directly to my face and reiterated it time and time again as I gave him chances to rescind it, I got very angry and lost it. I got in his face, yelled, threatened severe need to get into all the details, but let's just say I did not behave as I knew I should.

Even though almost everything I said was true and were things he needed to hear regarding contributing toward his family and putting effort into improving his situation and that of his mother, I got extremely angry and let him have it. Things got very ugly for a while there with rude snubs, rough words, and a punched door. If it weren't for God getting my focus back...

In the middle of a yelling rant, I suddenly realized that, even though I was angry and he needed to hear certain things, I was in the wrong. My approach was way off, and God threw a mirror in my face to show me how ridiculously over the top my attitude and approach was. At that point, I calmed way down and expressed in calm words that I was very sorry for over-reacting, but certain improvements in his behaviors were crucially needed.

Not to get into every last detail, but after God made me aware of how I was dealing with my nephew incorrectly, we had a deep and important conversation that ended with positive heart-felt tears on both sides. My nephew is a good guy, as I've mentioned before, but sometimes it takes an in-your-face exchange to wake him up. I really think it did, but only time will tell. I love him and only want the best for him. I knew, through God, that our relationship would get back on track, even though I had my doubts when he said he was done with me. But God got us through it and I truly think our relationship is in a much better place now. We needed to go through the darkest and ugliest thing our friendship has ever suffered to get to this better place: a new dawn.

The advice to take away from my emotionally brutal experience is to never give up, even when things seem impossible and seemingly couldn't possibly get better. Also, remember to keep your emotions in check, although I'm living proof that it is easier said than done. And always keep in mind that God is always with you, so do not ever forget to use God as a resource for patience and guidance, even in the worst of situations. God will pull you through, never doubt that for a second. God is most helpful.

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