Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Do you smell?

No, it's not about your odor, that's between you and the people around you. ;o) I am talking about smelling the world. Do you take time to focus on the wonderful things in life? I'm taking a break for today's entry from more serious topics to embrace the joy of living, in this case, what you experience through your sense of smell.

The sense of smell, as current scientific belief holds, is the most powerful of all the senses. I think that may go back to pre-historic times when our sense of smell was far more crucial in determining what was edible, but I digress...

Today, I spent some significant time thinking about my favorite smells. God has gifted humans with this sense, and it is a wonderful part of being alive. I also thought back to smells I used to really enjoy, but don't as much now that I'm older, such as car exhaust (which actually can be deadly) and skunk. Yes, I know I was a weird kid...

Some of my most favorite smells that I came up with today are such food items as basil, barbeque meat, coffee, cilantro, and wasabi. (Yep, my mouth is watering.) In nature, I came up with roses, live jasmine, pine forests, ocean breezes, and babies (hey, they're natural). I also really like the perfume Eternity. And, back to food, although there are TONS of yummy smells, I would have to say fresh-baked _______ (just about anything, but especially chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, and bread).

God really has blessed us in infinite ways, and taking time to explore what you really enjoy and appreciate shows God your gratitude. Take some time to reflect on what your favorites are. God is awesome. Awesome to the max!

Want to share your smells? Comment below:

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