Sunday, August 23, 2009

Reticular Activating System and the Struggle for Focus

Life lessons are perpetually abundant, thanks be to God. Earlier today, I was chopping some fresh jalapenos for a salsa that I was helping my sister make. I've chopped peppers before, including jalapenos, which are easy to deal with, and habaneros, which are not. The time I chopped habaneros without gloves, my hands turned bright red and burned for at least half the day. Jalapenos are nowhere near as severe. So why, a good four hours after handling the jalapenos do my hands hurt at least ten times more than three hours ago and as much as when I dealt with the habaneros?

The answer: my reticular activating system. One's reticular activating system is the thing in your brain that filters out all of the stuff your senses are exposed to that is not important to you or that in no way has any impact on you, thus your brain essentially ignores it. Once you are aware of how this works and that you are doing this with something, you can overcome it quite easily by focusing your full attention on what you are aware you were ignoring. Case in point: my hands.

Shortly after I was done handling the peppers, I began to feel a little burn. At that point, God gave me the option to block it out, but also the sense that I needed to allow myself to stay aware of the pain, perhaps as inspiration for this entry. A few moments ago, I was so focused on the pain, it was nearly unbearable and as I was actively looking at my hands, they began to turn bright red, as they did the time I dealt with the habaneros. I fully focused on the pain, and it did not disappoint.

The whole point of my story is that everything you experience is all about the focus you give it. If you are trying to stay away from negative thoughts and ideas, DO NOT allow yourself to focus on them. Block it out. The instant you begin to dwell on something that is bad for your life, character, or soul, just stop and force yourself to focus on something good or positive. Always have a list in your mind of go-to positive things to ponder, be it your children, your favorite animal, the infinence of space...whatever is good and can hold your attention. Use that as a substitute when your mind starts going in places that aren't good or productive for you.

Another aspect of the reticular activating system is that it also contributes greatly to taking things for granted. When something in your life is not causing you issue or concern, your reticular activating system puts it out of your mind. This process is key in maintaining mental health and the ability to get through the day without HAVING to focus on every single tiny detail of your surroundings. However, in order to give God proper thanks for everything God has given you, you must be aware that your brain does this and fight against it. Yes, it is a struggle to maintain the right balance of healthy focus, but it just takes practice and the desire to give glory to God. Always remember, with God, ANYTHING is truly possible. (And again, much thanks to God, as my hands have completely stopped hurting at this point.)

Comments on how your reticular activating system has helped or hindered you? Comment below:

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