Friday, October 16, 2009

The Dawn of Civilization

Some scholars hypothesize that the dawn of the civilization of humans began around 10,000 years ago, in the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East. That is when people began settling, developing agriculture, domesticating animals, and creating communities. While those steps forward for humanity were crucial in getting us to where we are currently, those times were far from civilized. There were no laws, no protection, and people were still rather feral. What humans had back then was not civilization.

But people grew, developed, and changed. They created things, first out of necessity, then out of ability. Education and art came along, and inventions--first a trickle, then a flood--as people began learning from one another. Our current society is built on millions of inventions because people learned from each other and/or worked together.

Mass media and the current communication options has united this planet. We no longer have to wait for 6 months or more for news to circle the globe, as we have in our past. With the internet, webcams, video cameras, cell phones, satellites, thousands of television channels, radio, newspapers, etc. we are connected and can literally see what's going on at this very moment in many different places around the globe. We have been permanently united as one people, thanks to technology and ingenuity.

Because of this unity, humankind is just now really starting figure out who we are as a species. The culmination of our communication advances in conjunction with the overall advances in human rights, education, general health, medicine, and social and political tolerances is bringing on a new, world-wide culture. One that will eventually have a common language (I vote for English), although it might take centuries. Or maybe as soon as two generations. Who knows.

The point is, our world is united, and there is a swelling of consciousness out there that sees that we all need to get along, help each other when we can, and strive to preserve our planet. There is a common knowledge, I think, that this in indeed the dawning of a whole new era for humanity. There is a sense, too, that spirituality is getting its own new dawn, one that embraces the sciences, instead of battles with them. God is truth, and people are waking up to this fact and embracing that God plays a big role (not roll--hi elod) in our goings on.

So my hypothesis is that the dawn of civilization is now. And I see the signs that we are actually ready to be civilized, as one people. Hold onto your hats, because now that we are worldwide, technology and other advances are going to increase exponentially at a pace that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The future is going to be wild.

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