Friday, October 9, 2009

What Exactly is God's Will?

In this blog, as well as in the Revelation from God, the term "God's will" gets used quite a bit. It occurred to me that perhaps this idea could use some, what exactly is God's will?

Your will. They are one in the same, provided you use your free will positively and constructively. God wants you to live your life, enjoy it as fully as possible, and for you to contribute yourself into making things as wonderful as you can for others, yourself, and all of creation. God's will is your will, as God has given you dominion over your body, your life, and co-dominion over the rest of creation. God's full intention, or will, was to give you free will. You honor God by using this incredibly important gift to the best of your ability.

If you are wondering if the choices you are making in your life are in line with God's will, just know that if they are constructive and positive for yourself and/or others, God is pleased and appreciates the good use of your will. You may also asking: doesn't God have a plan for me, and won't a plan negate my freel will?

God most certainly has a plan for you: to live beautifully and wholly; to make good, kind, and generous choices with your free will. As far as specific lessons? God has your lessons embedded into your choices. You see, as hard as it is for us to understand, God is outside of time. God sees our entire lifetime at once and knows our choices and adjusts everything we need to learn and feel and experience into it. And as far as tasks God wants out of you specifically? Take it from me, you will know, no doubt at all.

On a personal note, when I am using my free will positively and constructively, I feel wonderful about myself, about others, and about life in general. At those times, I feel my will is in line with God's, and it gives me peace, confidence, ecstatic joy, and a near-tangible connection to God. You may want to try to embrace these feelings and ideas when you are doing good and positive things with your free will. It might add richness and much joy to your life.

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