Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Your Vocation of Service

For my day job, I interact with customers all day long. And I strive, with every resource available, to be extremely pleasant and be as helpful as I can be. To really treat them as I would like to be treated.

While faxing some documents for a customer today, I had some time to reflect with God on my devotion to helping others. I acknowledged to God that I knew of my vocation of service to others just about my entire life. I've always heard God's calling in my heart, even during those times in my life when I pretended not to hear it. Yes, the vocation of service was always present. And I've always thought that those called to a vocation of service held a special place with God (fingers crossed!). God let me know that it is true: those of service do hold special favor with God.

But then God let me know the punchline: we are ALL, each and every single one of us, called to a vocation of service. To have a vocation of service means you spend your life dedicated to making things better for someone other than yourself. And that call to your vocation has been in your heart and mind your entire life.

You were born into your calling, your vocation. Your vocation is an intrinsic part of every part of who you are. And God has gifted you with the vocation of service. But that service varies wildly from person to person, as humans have a multitude of problems and needs. Some people will be called to full time service in medicine. Some will be called to charities. Some to the care and teaching of children. Others to public safety careers. Others to garbage clean up. And so on.

Your vocation is real. God has put it in all of our spirits to be of service to others. So no matter how you make your living, do not forget your vocation of service and strive to make every person with whom you interact feel special and important. You will find joy in doing so.

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