Friday, October 23, 2009

The 'Why' to Life Lies in Rainbows and Roses

I saw a beautiful rainbow this week. It was full, and actually almost a full double bow, which are pretty rare. It was wonderfully uplifting, simply joyous. When I saw it, the puzzle came together. Or at least I found another piece to explain the 'why' of it all.

I have a great appreciation for the process and the lengths God went to in order to create us. God made sure Earth was the right size and around the right size star, and orbiting at a safe distance at a safe speed. God made sure our planet was tilted at the right angle and has a moon, which along with affecting our tides keeps us tilted on our axis, which is what gives us our seasons. God made sure we had the right combination of all of the elements to create and sustain life and a thriving global ecosystem.

God then, once we finally evolved into upright and thinking beasts, split us off toward different areas of the globe, to evolve our own languages and cultures, as well as variations in our physical appearances. Our history leads us to where we are today. And where exactly is that?

The pinnacle of creation. God created the universe and the elements it contains so that they could be combined in such a way as to create life. And as life evolves, it has become sentient. It has the ability to reflect, to philosophize, and to be aware of where all of the raw materials of which we are made come from: God. We are where it begins. God created life for where it goes from here. And although we have been around for eons, evolving, humanity has just now come to a place where we know and appreciate concepts like conscience, kindness, art, tenderness, laughter, community, appreciation, family, beauty, joy, and love. These are the things that connect the created to the creator. These are the providence of the divine, of God. And these are the things that God is looking through to connect with us. God is reaching out...every time you find deep appreciation of the fresh perfumes and beauty of a vibrant rose.

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