Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Snap of God's Proverbial Fingers

Every time my focus strays in making good choices and I disconnect from God, God is always there to snap me back into line. Although I haven't been disconnected from God lately, I certainly wasn't putting my all into feeling the closeness. Which is why God gave me a sign. A sign that said not to worry. A sign that said trust that God will see to it that good things happen. A sign that said God is still with me and loves me plenty. A sign that said to stay on track, as God has a plan. The sign: the solution to my electrical problem.

This morning, I set out to see if I could fix the electrical issue we have been having in the house the last few months before I had to break down and call a professional. After finding which jumper in the fuse box went to the rooms that were having the electrical problem, I took it off to find it burnt out a little, like it had malfunctioned and sparked or something. I'm not an electrician, obviously. The funny thing is that directly above the one I took off, which was at the very bottom and most easily accessible, was a jumper that the electrician I hired last Fall had labeled "Spare." When I saw that before, I just thought for some reason that it meant spare bedroom. But then I noticed it didn't have any wires attached to it; it was a spare, a spare jumper. Could it be that easy? I thought about that for a minute. Could it really be that easy? I thought about it and accepted that, yes, it could be. I plugged in the wire from the bad jumper I had removed, turned back on the power, and shazam, we have steady and non-flickering power. Success!

When I started reflecting on how easy the solution to this long-standing problem was, how it was literally the easiest--and cheapest--solution there possibly was for the problem, I knew God was trying to tell me something. And as soon as I re-focused on trying to listen to God, I was back in communication with God. It was the snap back to attention that I needed.

I share with you: if you are looking for a sign from God, just open your heart and increase your focus. When you are truly open to God, you will see signs, the signs you need, all around you.

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