Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finding the State of Grace

I had a God-given epiphany: to enjoy a legitimate connection with God while you are still alive, i.e. to be in communion with God, one must be in the state of grace. 'State of grace' (which I made up on my own. ;o) Read: found rightness in a Catholic idea and borrowed it.) simply means to have a clear conscience, to be right with God. God is pure, honorable, and good always, so in order to properly connect with God, one must fully adopt these qualities.

In order to be in a state of grace, or right with God, one must forgive themselves and all others and harbor no ill toward either. One must have full intent to be good and maintain good and constructive behaviors. One must renounce their sins, and with 100% conviction strive not to sin again. One must always be of aid to others. One must be open to God's presence in all parts of one's life. And be open to the joy God is sharing with you.

Sounds easy, right? lol, I know. It's a tall order, but it is in the striving to be in a state of grace that God appreciates our efforts, struggles, slip ups, and our trying again. It's through our struggle to get there that God sees our dedication to God. It is in the effort that we win favor with God. Always be striving to be right with God. If you want to, and try, you will find your state of grace. And once you find it, hold onto it as long as you possibly can. Duh, right?

p.s. Shout out to God for the encouraging news in my bff's diagnosis situ. God is buck.

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