Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thriving on the Mundane

Sometimes, either by choice or obligation, we get stuck in ruts, doing the same exact things day in and day out, week in and week out, month in and month out...

Without some perspective, focus, and control, dealing with the mundane can be maddening. Truly. But it really does not need to be.

One of my co-workers told me this week that she was extremely bored, which is understandable, as we have stretches of time that are absolutely non-taxing. When I told her that I don't get bored, she look at me as if I were fibbing, but it is true.

For me, there is no "down time," as there is always, at the very least, something to think about. When activities are repetitive and don't require much of me mentally, I let my brain explore. I explore the things I need or want to get done. I make plans and think about all of the wonderful things I am looking forward to, both in the short and long term. I think about my blessings, especially my family and I pray for their needs. I think about nature and the universe a lot, especially the origin of things and how absolutely fascinating God's accomplishments are. I think about puzzles, games, new things to do, new ways to liven up the activities that are no longer engaging my brain very much. I think about funny things, jokes, movie clips, little kids doing silly things, anything over-the-top, etc. Sometimes, this line of thinking makes me actually laugh out loud.

I also think about focusing my appreciation and enjoyment of the little things. If the weather is lovely, that's a mood brightener for sure. I focus on my health and how blessed I am, especially considering how many others deal with serious and life-altering medical issues. I think about how blessed I am to have a home, a car, a job, and always enough food to eat and clothes on my blessings are numerous, that's for certain.

No, I do not get bored. Amongst the mundane is a plethora of blessings, fascinating discoveries, and simple pleasures. And any free time is time to think, reflect, plan, and pray. Besides, any time things seem mundane just means you are blessed to not have bad or tragic things happening to you. And that is plenty good enough. So, honestly try to bask in the monotony of the daily grind. This is your life, you might as well embrace it as fully as possible and get as much joy out of it as you can. Every day is truly a gift from God.

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