Friday, October 2, 2009

Return of the Wayward Hamster

The dwarf hamster, Cher, who disappeared on Tuesday has returned! After looking for her all over the house many times the last three days, she popped up earlier today in the kitchen. She was very hungry and thirsty, but otherwise in good shape.

Yesterday, I had given up hope; I cleaned out her cage and put it in the garage. I assumed that she found her way outside, as my roommate had left the front door open most of the last few days because the weather has been so mild. And considering she is a house pet, I figured that if she got outside, she wouldn't last terribly long. I didn't dwell on the horrible things that could have happened to her, although they certainly crossed my mind. All I could do in giving up searching is just pray to God that she be okay and have a happy little critter life where ever she ended up going. Of course, when she first went missing, I prayed quite a bit for her safe return, but after I didn't see that happening, I just prayed for her well being. But, alas, God is always keeping me on my toes by this type of unexpected blessing. God is kind and wonderful.

So what lesson can be learned from Cher's return? Several, when I think about it. First, never give up hope, even when it's pretty clear you probably should. Second, embrace the unexpected. Third, God is sweet on the cute little critters. Sure, the hamsters return isn't necessarily a life-changing miracle, but it was a happy and wonderful blessing from God, nonetheless, and a much welcomed pick-me-up. I appreciate God's hand in the little things, no matter how tiny. God is tender.

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