Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Everything Happens for a Reason

All thinking folk struggle with the meaning to life. And when things happen, especially undesirable things, we seek to know why. Many of us turn to God and ask why such things have to happen. Occasionally, the silence some encounter when turning to God frustrates us into giving up, either on life, on God, or both. But there is an answer: it's all about the right perspective.

One of my co-workers was commenting in recent weeks about how frustrated she was that homeowners' association where she lives decided to cut down the tree right next to her condo. The tree was a comfort to her, providing wonderful shade and additional privacy for the windows on that side of her home. It was a real source of frustration for her that the tree was removed.

But, with time, her perspective changed. She now finds the sunshine wonderfully uplifting. She greatly enjoys looking outside the windows, where she now sees the lovely blue skies that were previously hidden by the tree. It turns out, she is pleased as punch that the tree was removed. Once her perspective turned toward finding the positive in the situation, she found her attitude about the situation change entirely, for the better.

Although I know God puts into motion many of our lessons, sometimes part of the lesson is that it is left to us to find the reason something happens. And there is almost always something significantly good that comes from anything. With enough focus, you can study any situation and find something good and useful that comes of it, even if it's in the form of valuable education, personal growth, or simply life experience, remembering that experience is the incubator of wisdom. Everything really does have reason, although you may have to find that reason for yourself. Reflect until you find what you seek. The answer is there.

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