Monday, October 19, 2009

What You Don't Take Care of... lose.

My Grandma used to say this to me, and my five siblings, quite often growing up. When I was young, however, all I attached to that saying was that she was going to take something away from me. But nowadays, as I spend more time philosophizing and reflecting, and living, I am actually beginning to understand what she meant by that.

A most recent case in point: my teeth. I haven't been the most avid of flossers over the last six months. And my dentist knew this. It was evident in the exam results, and, also, because I told him. I had three--yes, three!--cavities in my mouth. And where were those teeth decaying? All three of my cavities were located between my teeth. Odd parallel between the frequency of my not flossing and the increase in cavities. I rarely get cavities, so to have three in one visit means I've been an especially vigilant non-flosser. My lesson learned will include a penance of gum injections, drilling, and a sore and numb mouth. Perhaps I will have learned my lesson this time and will begin flossing once a day, like the dentist suggested. Perhaps.

So to bring it full circle, I didn't take care of my teeth, partially, and so I lost them partially. My Grandma's theorem holds up. (She was a wise and beautiful soul, and I miss her dearly.) Now the converse of this equation also holds true: what you do take care of, you keep. Keep this in mind especially in dealing with relationships. Give focus and attention to those people and things you admit are important in your life. Don't risk losing them, give them your love.

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