Sunday, September 13, 2009

Abandoning Your Selfishness

As discussed in the Revelation from God, selfishness is essentially the root of all sins. A very crucial thing you need to fully appreciate is the fact that God does not allow selfishness in heaven. There is no room for it. Nor is it welcome, in the state of perpetual goodness, community, and love that is God's presence. Now follow the logic...

If God does not allow absolutely any selfishness in heaven, and assuming that you would like to be with God after you are dead, you MUST, absolutely and fully, renounce and reject selfishness before you can be with God in eternity after you die. So why not abandon any and all selfishness now, while you still can affect your positive score column in God's book? And do not put it off, as you really don't know when your number is up. Truly. Abandoning your selfishness is much easier than you think, as all it takes is remembering to practice thinking about others before yourself. Just some food for thought.

Embrace God, as God embraces you.


  1. I know it's important to put others before yourself, but is treating yourself well considered selfishness? For example, it's nice to treat yourself to a treat once in a while, but the money for that treat could benefit someone else.

    Just curious as to what you think about this.

  2. Always remember: YOU are just as important to God as everyone else. While it is true that all of your money and everything you own could go to someone less well off, God doesn't want you to go to such extremes. God knows that if you teach a man to is more effective to build up others, without having to resorting to tearing yourself down. There is enough of God's bounty for all to enjoy having what they need.

    While giving up your spending money is a wonderful act of charity, you don't have to do it every time. Be sure to respect yourself enough to share in God's bounty as well. It's win-win.


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