Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Perfect Storm

Today was rough. Perhaps it was as rough as it was so that I would remember to appreciate when things go really well. Today, however, nothing went my way and the only luck I found was terrible. Do you ever have one of those days that is just off? Off in every way imaginable? Today was that day for me. Today was a perfect storm of frustration.

Not to whine or bore you, but I will share two examples of how frustrating today was: first, it was brought to my attention by my supervisor that the file that I was working on (and finished) yesterday somehow--and very oddly--disappeared. All of that work, gone. And then I had to spend a significant part of today rewriting everything from yesterday, with nothing to go off of but my memory (ouchies!). Second, one of my hamsters got out of its cage. My roommate called me at work to let me know this, although I had to wait until I got home to do a proper search and rescue (during which I accidentally broke one of my bookcases), and sadly without any luck of finding the hamster. Yeah, it was that kind of day.

Today was truly a whirling eddy of frustration in so many ways. Nothing was going my way and I prayed and prayed for strength, patience, and solace. God's advice on such a chaotic day: stay in the eye.

I was advised to stay in the eye of this perfect storm of frustration. So I did. I didn't cry, yell, walk out, punch the wall, or externally express my frustration in any way. I simply stayed calm. I didn't have much left after needing all of my focus to stay calm and not freak out, so I was pretty quiet today. I didn't pout, complain, or stomp about, I just stayed calm and kept my mouth safely shut.

God also reminded me that this too shall pass. Bad days, by the grace of God, are few and far between. I am to just be patient, stay calm, and the perfect storm of frustration will simply run its course and joyful things can return to the center of my focus. I am really looking forward to tomorrow. It will be a blessing from God, either way.

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