Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Listen to the Yelling

Yesterday and today, God has been on my case to be productive. I have been putting off my next task for a bit too long, I think, so God's will grew louder and louder in my conscience until it had my full and undivided attention: write a book.

Not necessarily one of the things I would have put on my lengthy to-do list, but it's now right at the top. When God is trying to get me to do something, it is most evident; when I began working on it today, the ideas flowed faster than I could write them down. So apparently my newest task is to write a book. It will be about God and living fully.

I have trained myself, through practice and control, to hear God clearly in my conscience. It is simple for anyone to do, as long as you put away your selfishness, your impatience, your negativity, your anger, and your bitterness and really focus on God and doing good. If you are really focused on being open to doing God's will for you, holding nothing back of yourself from God, then you will definitely begin to hear it. Softly at first, the voice will grow louder and clearer with practice and the more good you do. The more you are in tune with God and doing good and right things, the easier it will be to hear God speaking through your conscience. And God has individual and unique tasks for each of us, all for our good and the good of others. Right this very second, God is yelling to get your attention through the barriers you have put up between you and God. God is calling you to be close, live fully, and do good while you thrive joyfully with others. Embrace God's call.

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