Sunday, September 27, 2009

Get Your Sleep

Today's blog entry is jumping off of yesterday's subject of the senses. As I mentioned, our senses taking in a literally constant stream of information. Each one of the five, all of the time. That is a ton of information for our brain to sort and process, both consciously and subconsciously. How does our brain keep up with such a perpetual influx of data?

Sleep. God has intentionally designed our lives to include the need for sleep. To be tired means to have one or more of our senses overloaded. Sleep is crucial in order for us to rest our senses and give our brains time to process through stuff that can be settled or sorted out via our subconscious. Sleep is also a prime time for our bodies to heal themselves more efficiently, as all of the energy in the body can be focused toward healing instead of daily activities. Sleep helps our muscles recover from over taxation. Sleep allows the time and opportunity to dream, which both heals the mind, but also the spirit. Getting enough sleep helps calm negative emotions and lightens one's mood. Sleep IS healing, in every way our beings need.

Sleep was designed by God as a gift for you to rest, repair, and refresh your body and your mind. Sleep well in the knowledge that God wants you to get your rest. I know sleep seems to be harder and harder to come by in this crazy, stressed out world. But perhaps that is part of why things get so dire; perhaps things would go better if people actually thought of good, restful sleep as an actual requirement, like air, food, or water. Because it is. You need sleep to function--to live--in this world. Truly.

God provided us with a wonderful gift that has an abundance of positive and constructive effects. I, for one, am deeply appreciative to God when I get a good night's sleep. Although the half-way decent ones are still really appreciated. Sleep is sleep, and it's all wonderful. I'm going to make sure I get as much as I need. I hope you do, too. Sleep well, friend.

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