Friday, September 11, 2009

Eliminating Stress

I have a sister, who I dearly love, who stresses over everything. She has allowed herself to stress and stress so much over the years, it has become her comfort zone. If there are no actual or real problems, she's prone to generate stress somehow. Not intentionally, but only because she has trained her subconscious that stress equals comfort.

Part of her stress is generated by her concern for timeliness and the care and helping of others. Part of it is low self-esteem, including the need to have the approval of others to allow herself to feel self-worth, which is ridiculous because she is a beautiful, creative, fully-capable, and dynamic person. I just wish she could really see that in herself.

As far as me, I don't stress. Ever. And it comes as easily to me as breathing. And I am able to not stress because of these three things:

  • I trust fully, completely, truly, 1oo% in God. God will get me through anything and will be with me through every step of the way. Knowing that God is with me and in my corner, I know anything and everything will work its way out, one way or another, either way as part of God's plan for me.
  • I don't ever dwell on the worst possible scenario. (My sister is legendary in this capacity, bless her heart ;o) .) My approach: I note the possible problems I could encounter, and have resolutions in mind for every one. Then, I forget all about the bad things that could happen (as they are no longer unknowns or scary, as I can attack each thing, as needed, because I have a plan in place) and just focus on the steps I need to take to accomplish what I'm trying to do. And perfect focus itself cures stress, as your are totally in tune with the task at hand, which keeps your mind from wandering to stressful thoughts.
  • I don't think about or dwell on all of the steps I need to take to get something done. I really think of it simply: either something happens, or it doesn't. Ruining my emotional happiness and upsetting my peace of mind by allowing myself to stress is not going to have ANY impact on whether or not something happens or I get something done. In fact, stress actually hinders your functionality by occupying your focus from giving you best effort to the task at hand.

I know it sounds impossible to cure your stress, but I know it is most certainly possible. Just practice the above three things, especially building your trust and faith in God taking care of you. Stress, really and truly, is something you create. You allow your brain to dwell on the worst possible scenarios and feel overcome with details when all you need is to write down a clear plan of attack, with all the steps you need to reach your goals. You allow yourself to dwell on all the unknowns, when you just have to accept that your brain cannot function well with an unknown variable when you are trying to do anything. It leaves too much to the imagination to contrive, especially when you are thinking of horrible scenarios; so stay away from letting your mind ponder the unknowns when trying to deal with something, as nothing good comes of it. Do not continue to sabotage yourself and your happiness! Allow yourself out of your stress and just know everything will be okay. God will see to it, if you allow yourself to have true and earnest faith in God. God's peace be with you.

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