Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hate your life? Start here:

With you.

Yes, believe it or not, you are 100% responsible for how miserable you are. Your life sucks, everything is horrible, you have nothing, you have no hope, blah, blah, it really that bad? Really?

You have two choices with your life: you can either dwell on every little thing, fret over all of the things you cannot control, obsess over problems in your life yet do nothing about them, or you can focus on the good and positive things you have been blessed with, set goals to where you want your life to go, dream about getting the stuff of your dreams, and turn that into a passionate drive to succeed.

You have free will. You can choose to focus on goodness, blessings, joy, and caring about others, or you can choose to keep the exact same mindset that has kept you in a negative place. You need to ask yourself some serious questions. First, why are you intentionally sabotaging yourself in order to keep you in such a bad and negative place? Second, what exactly has your negative attitude done for you thus far?

Well, it most definitely gives you an excuse not to try. Not to dream. Not to ever want to get to a better place than you are at this very moment. It gives you an excuse to die early. It also gives you the chance to never have to be held responsible for your own life and how miserable it is. It's not my fault, it's the job market, or the economy, or my boss, or my spouse, or societies...Oy vey. Blames off you, so you can have a wretched life and die thinking that life is just hard. (FYI, God knows better.)

So by refusing to hope, dream, set goals or even try, you are re-enforcing within yourself that you are so comfortable being miserable that negativity becomes home to you. And what exactly is going to change your life, if it isn't you? Winning the lottery? A random miracle? A rich dead relative?

The point is this: you are responsible for you, and you are only going to fix the problems in your life by first adjusting your attitude and focusing toward something good. God wants you to have a positive, joyous, and wonderful life. Why are you so against God's wishes for you?

God is good and positive. You should be, too.

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