Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just Say Thank You

As everyone does from time to time, I allowed myself to feel a little low. I beat myself up over procrastination and bad choices. I've been a bit unfocused on God, almost if I was trying to put up barriers to avoid God's will. Not that I don't want to do God's will--I fully and truly do--it's just that I do have a fear of failure that dates back to grammar school and I greatly fear to let God down. But God gave me some insight: this path was made especially for me. Embrace it. Strive to spread goodness and fully enjoy all of God's gifts. It is in the not trying to fully live God's will that makes one a failure.

Every time I feel like giving up, God shares with me comforting love and lets me know that I am deeply valued, just as much as every other person. When I get down on myself, especially for making the same mistakes over and over, God shares with me God's mercy and lets me know that God has faith in me, even when I have none in myself. God knows my heart and my intent, and waits patiently for me to re-open my entire being to God and get back on track. God has given me so much, so many blessings, and so many wonderful people in my life! I have been especially blessed, yet when I am feeling most undeserving, God tells me to let go my regrets, sins, frustrations, and concerns to the past, where they belong; God tells me to relax, stay focused, and just say thank you.

Thank you, God! You are all.

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