Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Reminder to Enjoy!

I woke up feeling down about myself and all of the things I still haven't done on my to-do list. I wasn't embracing the feeling and I wasn't consciously trying to dwell on anything negative, I just ran a little low on hope.

So, while sitting there at work and feeling in a funk, I decided to embrace the nudges God has been giving me all day. The nudge was to lighten up.

As I have a long history of taking myself too seriously, including this morning, I was splashed in the face with a reminder to focus on the joy. Life is wonderful and beautiful and mind-boggling complex and interesting and miraculous. Try to keep this in mind at every moment of your day. Embrace all that is good, all that is God.

With God giving me this reminder, I was like a new person! I shared laughs with my co-workers, I looked out my window at how beautiful nature is, I focused on helping my clients as fully and happily as I could...I found the joy. And I'm going to keep it as long as possible. And then try again. As should you. God truly wants you to be joyful. Find joy with God.

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