Monday, September 14, 2009

Nose to the Grindstone!

Time for some tough love (especially on myself)...

Understand this: the only way to reach your goals, improve your life, or get the things you want in life is through hard work and sacrifice. There is no other way. Really and truly. The only way for things to get better is to WORK toward making them better. Seems overwhelming, verdad?

Mais non! If you truly and really want to improve your life in any area, be it your work life, family life, financial life, social life, or spiritual life, you need to get a clear picture of where you want things to be better. Spend time exploring what "better" factually and visually looks like. IF it is truly and really a goal you really want to achieve, then why are you not going for them right now? Why do you only talk about a better life, situation, or environment? If it's something that you really and truly want, how are you not taking steps THIS VERY SECOND to achieve your constructive and positive goals? If you are not jumpin' to get jumpin' to make up a plan of attack and get after your goals, reflect on whether or not they are really what you want. Reflect on in with God, allowing God's input via your conscience.

And getting to your goals is way easier than you think. Make a very specific step-by-step plan to achieve your goal, and if that what doesn't work, make another, and another until you get there. Focus on having the goal, not the path it took to get there. Baby steps are easy. Just take them one at a time, doing each with full focus. In no time, you will succeed. God's guidance be with you.

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