Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Get Over Yourself

Earlier today, like a light going on, God showed me why I've been in a funk off and on the last few days: I've been too self-absorbed. I've been holding on to bad habits as well as procrastination and just being too wrapped up in the insignificant, often self-imposed, issues of the day. I've been praying the last few days to get back in sync with God, and a few times I would feel as if I were, and then slip into more negative thoughts. I couldn't figure out why I kept doing this. But then God instructed me to step back from my life. To remove any emotional connection I have to any of my issues. To look objectively at my life, to count and re-count my infinite blessings, to realize my great fortune, and to start focusing on what other people don't have in comparison. And to be grateful to God often.

God also pointed out that this path was created especially for me and to focus on the beauty, splendor, and wonder of this life. God wants you to accomplish good and wonderful things, but don't ever forget to step back, take some deep breaths, let go of yourself, and strive to feel God's very real presence in your life. God will get you where you need to go. Have faith.


  1. So from my understanding your path has been determined by God, being self absorbed is where you were suppposed to be! Correct?

  2. I think so, yes. As uncomfortable as that place was, I needed to feel it in order to know (and then to teach others) how to break out of it and get back focused on God. Every moment is a lesson, often needing to be learned retrospectively. While I was going through it, none of this was obvious to me.


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