Friday, September 18, 2009

Before You Say Anything...


When I open my mouth to say something to others, I pause. I take a brief second to scan what I'm about to say for any negativity, including hostility, rudeness, pettiness, ugliness, etc. I also scan it for effect: is the reaction or result of what I'm about to say constructive and builds up and helps others. The ability to pause effectively is a combination of the desire to be a kind, positive, Godly person, and focus. Focus is essential, as you will not be able to catch yourself before you say something bad without it.

I practiced this until I could be uber-aware of everything coming out of my mouth at the present. When you are truly orienting your heart and mind to God and goodness, censoring yourself will truly become second nature. It did for me.

Keep in mind how crucial focus is in being able to stop yourself from ever saying gratuitously negative or bad things. I've been out of focus with God off and on the last few days. And I became aware that while I was out of focus, negative things would slip out of my mouth without a second thought. I didn't become aware that what I was saying was negative until I had already said it. And always remember: you can't unring a bell. Once something is said, even if it is begged forgiven, it remains for a lifetime in the memory of those who heard it. Although I didn't say anything seriously regrettable, I still regret letting myself get that out of focus with God and spread any negativity.

I'm back in focus, and I can feel myself in control of how I interact with others. If it weren't for God, I couldn't possibly function in polite society. God helps guide you so much, if you just let God in. So my lessons are yours to learn from: practice pausing before you speak and scan what you're going to say for negativity. Practice focusing, both on God's positivity and being conscious of what you are saying. Practice it every single time you speak. Chances are, you'll be glad you did. God is focus.

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