Monday, September 21, 2009

Finding Your Faith

I learn a lot from God, through the lessons God wants me to learn and the experiences God wants me to go through. I have been through the gambit in just about every way and have been on a spiritual rollercoaster throughout my lifetime that would boggle any mind. I've been through very rough spiritual times: the screaming at God for answers, the anguish of feeling no God, the pleading for strength or even a little hope, the comforting years as a Catholic, the times spent as a new ager, a Jainist, an agnostic, and as a selfish heathen. Through all of that, which brought me to where I am today, I am grateful. God designed the perfect path for me to have an actual and deep connection with God through my faith. Only having gone through everything could I have reached a place of forgiveness (for myself, as well as others), a place of appreciation, selflessness, positivity, constructiveness, openness, and humility, which are required of anyone who wants to connect fully with God.

To find your faith, all you need to do is set aside all of your selfishness, worries, hostility, doubt, prejudices, sore subjects, shame, and ego. To connect with God, you need to open your entire heart and mind to God, not withholding any part of yourself or your memories. Anything in your memory that was a sin, beg forgiveness and vow to never fall that way again. Done. From there, just allow God's positive love and joy wash over you. Connect with everything good and positive from God. And stay connected. Having real faith means feeling God's joy most of the time. The joy of life, beauty, nature, caring, loved ones, and reaching out to others. It's about living in the present and maintaining a kind and positive attitude.

Now, examine your faith. Whether you're a member of an organized church or not, reflect on your faith. Dig deep and be truly honest with yourself: is your faith more of a chore than a real connection with God? Do you go to a building and go through the motions but would rather be somewhere else? Is your faith making you unhappy, or even miserable? Does your faith seem irrational or unreal to you? Is it something you believe just because?

If so, my guess is you haven't really tried to connect with God. Maybe you're living a life you don't want God to see (although God certainly does), or maybe you have conditioned yourself to find the entire topic of God boring or inconsequential. Maybe you have been socially conditioned to believe a certain way. Maybe you're just being selfish.

Open your heart to God. Explore what it really means to have a relationship with God. How do you interact with God? Do you show God any actually meaningful attention at all? Reflect. And if you do not like where you are spiritually, then change. Grow in your faith. Study your religion. Or study others. Open your heart and mind to what God in God's infinite goodness wants you to learn to grow closer to God. Be open, love God, and strive to deepen your connection with God. God is with you.

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