Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lost hope? Need a miracle?

I've been on an emotional rollercoaster as of late. Today, at least the first part of the day, I was feeling shlumpy and bogged down in negativity. I knew I was re-enforcing it with my negative self-talk, but just couldn't seem to break out of it. Then I started to feel sorry for myself and just generally overwhelmed, which then made me begin to feel hopeless. It was the spiral of doom, and I didn't see a branch to cling to for the life of me.

I know you must know this feeling, too, as it's very human. The problem is that most people don't know how to break out of this cycle and unavoidably circle the drain into a pit of negativity where there is no exit in sight or even seemingly possible.

While I was sinking deeper and deeper into negativity, I knew God was still there and turned to God, yet again. It's a good thing God doesn't give up on giving me insight, as I would be an absolute disaster without it. While I was feeling overwhelmed and rather hopeless, I begged God for a miracle, a sign, a message, anything tangible to hang onto to avoid despair. Sure enough, God had something to tell me...

Open your eyes! That was the message, simple, but abrupt. So I did. I focused on what was exactly in front of me at the time, which was a picture of my newest and absolutely amazing little niece. Duh, I thought to myself. My niece is most definitely a powerful sign that God is present and creating incredible miracles for us. (The story of my how my niece came into being and that of my sister's perseverance to have her is an awesome story, but for another time.) The point is, after I looked at my sweet little niece, I couldn't be negative any more. Thinking of how smart and cute and perfect and sweet she is just brought such a flood of joy, the dam of negativity I was building burst wide open. I took a brief walk after that and just soaked in the blue sky, puffy clouds, trees, plants, and green grass that surrounds my office, and just thanked God every step of the way. I repeated over and over again, "Thank you, God." On my walk, I was able to see miracles everywhere and how gracious and generous God is. Now THAT is some perspective. In retrospect, I realize that asking or expecting God to give me a showy miracle so I could find a little hope was incredibly selfish, yet God still came through. So next time you have lost faith, feel overwhelmed, just open your eyes and really reflect on the good and positive things God has graced you with. Next time you need a miracle, just focus on God and God's wonderful gifts. If you do it with real attention, your mood will change and you will feel much lighter. I guarantee it. God is lovely.

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