Sunday, November 1, 2009

C'est la vie!

I find myself saying, "we'll see what happens," more and more. It's my own personal take on the French saying about rolling with the punches. We all must accept life has its ups and downs, lest we drive ourselves crazy with frustration in trying to control it or make sense of the whys.

The older I get, the wiser I grow, as I find myself worrying less and less about the ridiculous details of life that I found as priorities in my youth. Part of this is maturing and prioritizing my goals, time, and other resources, but a larger part of it comes from my trust in God.

Granted, my faith wavers as it does for most people, but I do stay firm in my assurance that God will take good care of my soul after I die. When you leave everything after life to God, you obviously leave it in good hands. And that faith gives me wonderful comfort in this life that no matter what happens, everything will be okay. Because, what's the worst possible scenario: you die and be with God? That's a good and positive thought. So thanks to God, I can take life as it comes, come what may. And that comfort makes me want to sing out: c'est la vie!

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