Monday, November 9, 2009

Next Step for Society: Eliminate the Radicals

This last Thursday, Nidal Malik Hasan shouted "Allahu akbar!" (Allah is great) as he shot 12 innocent people to death and wounded 31 others.  Was he a Muslim terrorist in Iraq or Afganistan?  Nope.

He was a Major and psychiatrist in the U.S. Army and a Muslim terrorist, who went on his killing spree at Fort Hood in Texas.  I know many of you are well aware of this story, but it is worth repeating that he was in the Army and that it was here, in the United States.  And, yes, this was a terrorist attack, obviously, as all Islamic extremists shout the same thing Hasan did when they go on their suicide and terrorist missions.  Even if he wasn't associated with Al-Qaeda or other terrorist organization, he danced the same dance and sang the same song.  And when it walks like a duck...

It is quite unfortunate that the media seem not to be addressing this murderous rampage as terrorism, as they still covet the trophy of political correctness, as ridiculous and out-dated as that is.  Instead of an Islamic terrorist, it was a "gunman."  You can't anger the Muslims, for heaven's sake!  Even when their own are killing innocent people around the globe and generally making life as unpleasant as possible for those who don't agree them.

There is nothing that is slowing the progress of the civilization of our global society more than radicals.  Because of communication and technology, our planet will inevitably become unified in very significant ways, most likely within the next several decades.  But this can only occur via total international cooperation, which will protect mutual best interests as well as protect the environment.  In a world of fewer and fewer secrets and where people are learning that there actually is enough to go around for every person on this planet, we will find that peaceful coexistence is the only way for any person or group to get what they desire in any measure.  Unfortunately, our global society still has a ways to go before mutual cooperation is universal, as we still have quite a few radicals fighting against this progress.

Although Muslims aren't the only radicals that our global society needs to eliminate, they are presently the most dominant of the lot.  But there are extremists in just about all things people believe in, from Christianity (and all other faiths) to abortion (both sides) to environmental protection to political views.  And they all need to be eliminated.  Not killed, necessarily, but controlled and monitored in order to mitigate possible damage they may seek to inflict.  Do I believe in killing radicals?  Yes, but only if all other methods of control prove ineffective.

You may ask yourself: doesn't controlling the radicals get into uncomfortable areas, like taking away personal freedoms?  No, not at all.  As long as an individual (or group) is proven to partake in radical activities that, either intentionally or accidentally, harm the rights and/or well being of innocent people, then they have absolutely no place in polite society and waive any claim to the rights that polite society has created for itself.  You can't be on both sides of the same fence simultaneously.

Our planet will inevitably be one society, one global community, but we still have quite a bit to learn about cooperative living and mutual respect before that happens.  And in order for our planet to transition into this new era, the next and most significant step we need to take is to remove the radicals.  Godspeed to the good guys.

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