Saturday, November 21, 2009

Do Big Things

Lessons truly are everywhere, if you're open to noticing them. Earlier today, I watched this week's episode of Survivor in which one of the contestants, Dave, said, "You've gotta be willing to make some big moves if you want to win at this game." In the context and nature of Survivor, this statement is a given, but in life...

In order to have big successes and to have significantly wonderful things happen in your life, as well as positively impacting the society at large, one must take big chances. Put yourself out there. Try things you've never tried. Make friends with everyone you meet. Dream big and try to make it your reality. Travel more. Create a charitable organization. Run for office. Run a marathon. Start your dream business. Know that your possibilities are truly only limited by your imagination.

Life really is WAY too short, so make every single second matter. Take every opportunity to live fully by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Take big risks towards good and positive things. You only live once (as far as we can tell), so make big plans and go after them. You never know until you try, and remember, taking big risks is the only way to attain their even bigger rewards.

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