Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Death and Taxes: The Quick Guide to Life

There is that old saying about how there are only two things you ever HAVE to do in this life: pay taxes and die. So true, so true...I really want my life to actually have some meaning to someone else. I want to know that I made the people around me better, as well as the world in general. So I thought, if I were no longer here, what message would I want to be my legacy? What would I want to make sure everyone understood. So I came up with this:

The Quick Guide to Life

1. Ease up on stressing over things. In the end, remember none of the little things matter.

2. Share as much joy as you possibly can each day, because it's all over sooner than you think. Laugh as freely as you can.

3. Just keep on keeping on. Take regular steps towards good and positive things for yourself, as well as others. Slow and steady wins the race, but be sure to take advantage of positive momentum.

4. Love each other as fully as possible, including strangers. Show love and compassion to all, and embrace the ones you love tightly.

5. Develop as fully as you can the skills, talents, and gifts God has blessed you with.

6. Always choose good and right things.

7. Explore all of God's creation with appreciation, awe, and proper respect.

8. Defend the innocent, even with your life.

9. Talk to God often. God will help you, even if you don't believe.

10. Play like a kid.

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