Thursday, November 5, 2009

Charity Begins at Home

Someone in my family is struggling a bit. I am far from wealthy, but I was able to scrape together a little assistance for this person. And I am more than pleased to do so. Truly.

This, along with yesterday's checking in on my brother, got me thinking about the importance of charity. Doing acts of charity is crucial for the good of one's soul, and I love doing them. So to do acts of charity for family members is doubly beneficial for me, because in addition to finding joy in them, I can also see the good I do being appreciated and used wisely. And as long as there are real and important needs within my own family, I am morally obligated to start my charity with them.

Be good, kind, and charitable to all in this world, but make sure your family's basic needs are sated first. Give them your attention and focus, and then any assistance you might offer, whether it is financial help or emotional support or helping with overwhelming chores. Like my beloved Grandma used to say, "charity begins at home." I am only now appreciating how wonderfully important that saying is.

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