Monday, November 30, 2009

Saintly Old Lady vs. Murderous Young Thug

Earlier today, being tired and a shade too grumpy, I pondered over being judgmental, as I tend to get when I'm in such a state. I know, in theory, it's wrong, but then I thought about how I do it all of the time; I prefer good people over bad, that's just how I roll. But then I got to thinking about the intrinsic value of the individual, and how much character plays in how much I like them as a person. I suppose this is natural because this helps us decide whom to embrace and whom to steer clear of. But what about God: since God loves us all equally, shouldn't we strive to do the same?

Well, of course. Sure, God loves us each the same, but our behavior...needless to say, that's how God judges us in the end. So how can it be wrong to judge others when that's what God does? Frankly, it's not. That's how we deem who should be in our lives and who shouldn't be. But being human, we must be careful how we use our judgments of others. At worst, our judgments must yield a neutral result, and at best, it should yield constructive help for the ones around you with the character flaws. Loving all people, even the worst of the worst vile and evil murderers, is based on their God-given value, not on their character. And while you may despise what the murder does, one must accept that even murderers, while they are still alive, have the potential to be saints. And that potential is what is to be loved, obviously not their present behaviors.

So then, that got me to thinking (how, I'm not terribly sure): if I saw a burning car wreck with a saintly old woman and a murderous young thug trapped inside (how the two got in a car together is peculiar to begin with, I know, but I digress), and I could save only one of them, which would it be?

Originally, I was thinking that I would save the old lady, as she's a good person (and remember, I like good people), but then I thought, what is really important? The old lady has no worries (as far as I can tell) with being with God after she dies, but the thug...well, the thug only has the potential. But it's that Godly potential that is to be loved and valued. Ultimately, the most important thing in this life is where we end up in the next. With the old woman obviously squared away with God, I would have to save the thug, as hard as that would be to do. The thug needs the salvation, the old lady already has it.

Who would you save, and why? Post a comment here:

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