Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Defense of Innocence

It's funny how I just mentioned it yesterday, but my roommate was involved in the defense of innocence today. While on the bus, she witnessed someone being verbally attacked, and then physically so, by a large man with two cohorts. My roommate was the only one, initially, to come to the aid of this innocent man. She saw the innocent man was not provoking the big, angry man in any way. The angry man is the type of person who goes through life with a huge chip on his shoulder. He's the type that will pick on anyone weaker than him until that person gives him a reason to physically lash out.

While my roommate was unable to prevent the initial blow to the innocent man's face, she did take down the attacker via his weak leg. She has skills. The attacker and his two friends left.

So what's the point of today's story: 1.) my roommate is a bona fide hero, and 2.) even when the odds are not in your favor, it is one's moral obligation to stand up for innocence. My roommate was aided, after the initial exchanges, by another woman from the bus who also stood against evil. Good on them both.

While my roommate is furious that none of the men on the bus even attempted to help, I am going to spend my focus on what good came of it: an innocent person was spared further injury and my roommate set a wonderful example of what it means to live with a moral code.

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