Thursday, November 26, 2009

Reflect and Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is my sentimental favorite holiday. Christmas has all the glitz and glam, but Thanksgiving is so rustic, so simple, it brings me great joy. But the primary reason I love it so is because of my family. Spending time with my dear and wonderful family is the best thing in my life, and then add a FANTASTIC meal to boot...well, that's just a winning combination for a perfect day. Truly.

So here's a list of my most sacred and appreciated blessings (yes, I do love my lists):

1.) Life (necessary for all other blessings)

2.) Family (I truly cannot stress enough how lovely and fun they make my life. My life is perfect because of them.)

3.) Friends (they can be like family, just less blood related)

4.) All good people (they are the salvation of this planet)

5.) Nature (For real, have you see it? I mean, God's beauty and creativity are off the hook!)

6.) God's mercy, patience, and limitless love (without these, I would be in big trouble)

7.) My house (to me, it is perfect, as flawed as it is)

8.) My car (as banged up as it is, I am greatly blessed, as many go without)

9.) My job (I've been HUGELY blessed as far as my job security and lack of job stress)

Appreciation requires focus, and Thanksgiving is the one day in particular during which proper focus is paid towards one's blessings. And I have an embarrassment of riches as far as blessings are concerned. I hope you have as well. God be with you on this important and precious holiday. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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