Monday, November 2, 2009

Stuck in First Gear?

I know I've been. It's not that I'm not working toward my goals, it's just that I'm doing so a little too sporadically. At the pace I'm at now, I won't attain my goals in decades. And that's a problem.

Today, I set my mind to be productive all day, and for the most part, I was. I got quite a bit accomplished on several different things I'm working on. To mix things up, I intentionally spent only 20-30 minutes on a task before switching, which also helped in keeping me equipped with fresh eyes for each project. My fresh approach for the day was successful in many ways.

Here are a few (hopefully useful) anecdotal tips for shifting into second gear:

1. Start with focus - focus on how you want things to be and all of the wonderful feelings associated with accomplishing your goal. Remind yourself often of this, exhausting the benefits.

2. And then more focus - focus on the next step in your goal, assessing what resources you will need and the easiest way to get it accomplished.

3. Turn to God - listen to God's guidance through your conscience during your journey. Stay focused on doing good and right things.

4. Expand your circle - if you can't seem to figure out a way to get to the next step of your goal, expand your circle of knowledge and connections. Do research in libraries, as well as online. Build your network and reach out to those who may know. Seek help, advice, and encouragement from others. Most will be happy to oblige.

5. Set time frames - make sure you give each step toward your goal its own deadline. Strive to finish the step before the deadline, but forgive yourself if it takes you a bit longer.

6. Set your schedule - commit yourself to spend some time each day working toward your goal, even if it's just five minutes. Feel free to allow flexibility in when during the day you take your five minutes.

7. Start small - begin with the easiest tasks. It will help build confidence and momentum.

8. Mix it up - switch from task to task as often as you want to minimize tedium and to provide fresh eyes.

9. Realize the truth - life is short, and the only way you will ever have what you envision in your goals is by doing the work necessary to make them reality. Do not waste time. There's only one way to live life, and that's to live it. Fully.

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