Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Lessons from A Christmas Carol

I am normally a firm believer in only starting on anything Christmas after Thanksgiving, but when my roommate suggested we see the new Disney remake of A Christmas Carol, I let my excitement for seeing the picture overcome my usual objection.

And I'm glad I did. We saw it in 3D and it was visually awesome. The advances they've made in computer generated images is amazing, especially in regards to textures and lighting. Pretty soon, they won't need live actors for anything, but I digress...

The story, for those who aren't familiar with this classic, is that this angry, wealthy, bitter, and greedy old man is visited by three ghosts that reveal the Christmas' of the past, present, and future of Scrooge's life. With a man of that caliber, you can imagine the bad things that were revealed to him. He heeded the warning, and turned good and found salvation. This movie got me to thinking--as everything does, as you know--that I am certainly not going to wait to face the abyss (be it damnation or other) before I start living fully in all ways. To do good and charitable things for others is a big part of one's salvation, but so is using all of what God has blessed you with wisely. Live fully, in every way, as you will inevitably face the abyss. Act now to conquer it then.

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