Monday, November 23, 2009

Facing Death Successfully

Death is one scary s.o.b., no doubt. The idea of it is so final and so unbearably sad. Yet we all have to face our own mortality sooner or later. (I pray for us all much later.)

Having faith in God is a wonderful comfort, but doubt is a natural human response to anything and everything. So when one faces that what comes after this life is truly unknown, with or without God, the fear of this mystery can grow exponentially.

Through a recent cancer scare, I came face-to-face with the abyss. Not literally, but in my mind. I came to realize that infinity is an overwhelming idea and that dwelling on things over which you have no control is quite literally madness. And then God reminded me return to center, grab back my focus, and live the heck out of the rest of the time I have, no matter how many decades it is.

So here's my Inspirational Guide to Facing Impending Death, Yet Appearing Cool as a Cucumber:

1. Don't think twice about the inevitability of death. Seriously, what's the point?

2. Clear your conscience, make amends for wrongdoings, say everything good you can to your loved ones, and live righteously with God guiding you through your conscience as you take your final bows. It's all about approaching the finish line properly.

3. Do your own prep: I know it's not fun to think about, but write down and share with your loved ones your final wishes and such. Yes, have a will.

4. Give your junk away: pass treasures along to those you wish while you can actually share with them the sentiment. (Come to think of it, you don't even have to be dying to do this one.)

5. Organize your legacy of pictures, journals, books, keepsakes, etc. Share with those to whom you pass these most precious heirlooms their importance and catalog what you can. (Ditto.)

6. As you get closer to the checkered flag, stay focused on how much God loves you, God's truly limitless mercy, and focus on the wonderful people who have passed before you. They're already there, where ever there is, so maybe they're keeping an eye out for your welcome. Ya never know.

7. Thank God for everything, as every second on this Earth is a beautiful blessing. Short stay or long, everybody leaves this life with some memory that is worth cherishing. Perpetually remember all of the love you shared during your life and all of the loved ones with whom that love was shared. Focus on all of the great and wondrous creations in nature, and thank God for how perfect it all is.

8. And, if you can, try to go in your sleep. I hear it's better.

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